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God's Will or Destiny?

 Do you believe that anything that happens to you is God's Will?. I would like to think so. Many a time we work hard, set goals and try to see it through and then suddenly Booooom... Something else unexpected comes your way. Something that can destabilize the current plans you have or you have been working on. You feel so sad and disappointed and hopeless at that time. You wish it never happened and you almost give up. Would you now say it is God's Will? Maybe that unexpected thing is something you have been anticipating for a long time and you tried all within your power to see it works out but it doesn't and then you finally move on to something else that you are passionate about and then when you are at the brink of achieving it, what you have been expecting for months and probably years ago suddenly happens. Like an answered prayer. Is it God's Will? I feel so compelled to find out. Many people may come across this write up and say... No it can't be God's Wi

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